Vegan grocery shopping on a budget

Today I’ve decided to post a list of what I typically buy when grocery shopping once a week. I hope that maybe it can help anyone else out there who struggles with their cash flow like me. Also this is a solid list of food for people who don’t like/cant bring themselves to plan ahead (also like me). I’m not a very organised person so I don’t plan my meals for the week in advance. I prefer/can only be bothered to wing it. To be honest I usually buy almost the same things every week, I find I can make a lot of different dishes with the food listed below and it works out super cheap too. So here we have it, feast your eyes on my grocery list (I understand if you’re not interested, it’s a flippin grocery list after all). I hope it blows your mind (lol). 

~Fruit & Veg ~
– Bananas
– Some sort of frozen berry (my favorite is raspberry)
– I usually get another type of frozen fruit.
– Lemons
– Limes
– Avocados (I always get more than I need cos I have the fear when it comes to bad avos)
– 2 bags of green leafs. (Usually rocket and spinach but sometimes kale or lettuce)
– cherry tomatoes
– cucumber
– onions (red are my favorite)
– garlic (obsessed)
– ginger (fuck yes)
– A bag of potatoes (white or sweet sometimes both)
– A bag of carrots
–  Mushrooms
– Broccoli or Cauliflower
– Frozen peas
– Frozen corn on the cob


~ Pulses  & Grains ~
– Bag of oats (usually last me 2 weeks)
– Lentils (so cheap so versatile)
– Black beans (my fav beans)
– Chickpeas
– Tofu
– Wholegrain Rice
– Wholegrain pasta

– Quinoa (if I can afford it that week)
– Pinto beans
– Refried beans
– Kidney beans
– premade falafel (need for speed)


~Nuts & Seeds~
I can’t usually afford to buy these things because they are pretty expensive but I’m obsessed with toasting sesame seeds in tamari at the minute so I splash out.

~Other kitchen essentials~ 
– Tinned tomatoes
– Tinned coconut milk
– some sort of non-dairy milk (Usually almond or soya)
– Weetabix (need for speed pt.2)
– Bread (too tasty, I try buy wholegrain)
– Hummus (an absolute must have)
– Peanut butter or if I’m really treating myself or if its on sale cashew butter (drool).


~ More expensive things I don’t have to buy so often but always have ~
– Tamari (it just tastes so much better than soya sauce)
– Maple syrup
– Vegan vegetable stock powder
– Balsamic Vinegar
– Coconut Oil
– Sriracha sauce
– Chia seeds
– Flax seeds
– Shelled Hemp seeds (I don’t always have these cos price but they are honestly the tastiest things in the world)


What I make with these foods:

For breakfast, I can make smoothies, porridge and weetabix (so swift, so fast) oh and pancakes (when I have flour). For lunch, I’m a sucker for tofu/falafel sandwiches and buddha bowls. Also I sometimes make soup with the weeks left overs. Then for dinner, I normally make curries (so versatile), lentil bolognase or mexican dishes like burritos or black bean salsa with extra guacamole of course.

I hope this was somewhat helpful/interesting 🙂

Peace & love, 

Karen xxxx