
Hi World. I’m Karen, I’m a 22 year old student of Nutritional Science. I’m a closet perfectionist and a nerd in denial. I live in Ireland and oh yeah I’m also vegan. I’ve been vegan for over a year now and vegetarian for four. I truly believe that living a 100% plant based lifestyle is the best thing us humans can do not only for our physical health but also our mental and spiritual health. Oh yeah and it also helps take care of this planet we call home without which we would not exist.

I’ve decided to start this blog in the hopes that I can create some helpful or maybe even inspiring content. But also I’ve created this blog for selfish reasons; I hope this blog will keep me motivated to live a positive, productive, kind, compassionate and present life. Like so many people nowadays, my mind sometimes turns against me. Lately, I feel as though I need a second anchor other than my feet to keep me grounded. I’m hoping this blog can be that anchor.  This is why I’m also going to be posting about self care/self love;all that good stuff really ✌

Peace & love,

Karen xxxx