My Highly Subjective List of Awesome Vegan Superfoods (Nutritious and Delicious)

I really love food and what always makes food even more awesome for me, is finding out a food I love is incredibly good for you. So I’ve decided to compose a list of my favorite nutritionally and deliciously dense vegan foods, hope you enjoy!

  1. Nutritional Yeast
    Aside from the fact that it makes for a really good and super yummy vegan substitute for cheese, nutritional yeast is jammed packed with protein and overflowing with B vitamins. For something that bares a very strong resemblance to fish food this is really impressive indeed. Just two tablespoons of the stuff has 8g of Protein and 130% of the RDA for B12, a whooping 640% of B1(Thiamine) and 20% of Zinc. Eat nutritional yeast everyday and you are pretty much guaranteed to be getting more than enough of nearly all your B vitamins. 
  2. Chia Seeds
    Hailing all the way from South America, These nutrient dense power houses were once regarded as medicine and prized more than gold due to their powerful health benefits. The word Chia actually means strength in Mayan. Just two tablespoons of these little seeds contains 30% of the RDA for magnesium, 18% for calcium, 30% for manganese and 27% for phosphorus, all of which are super good for them bones! ‘Them bones need milk?’More like them bones need chia, am I right? 
  3. Hemp Seeds
    Hemp is an excellent source of plant protein. Just three tablespoons of shelled hemp seeds has 11g of Protein. That’s 22% of your daily protein requirement. It also contains 16% of your daily iron requirement, 48% of your magnesium requirement and 23% of your zinc requirement. Most importantly though, shelled hemp seeds taste glorious. They have such a wonderfully nutty flavour to them and are a perfect topping for oats, yogurts or salads. 
  4. Quinoa
    Quinoa is another south american food which was once worshiped by the Incas. This super grain contains an impressive 13g of protein per 100g serving. Not only that but it is also considered a complete protein and has all 8 essential amino acids. In particular it is high in Lysine, typically the least abundant amino acid in a plant based diet, making quinoa an extra super food when it comes to the vegan diet.
  5. Lentils
    Lentils are a god damn gift. They are so versatile and a killer (figuratively not literally lol humour time) meat replacement. You can easily replace the meat with lentils in so many of your favorite typically meaty dishes e.g bolognese, lasagna, curries and salads. Lentils are a really healthy protein source, they are like meat without all the bad stuff ;100g of lentils contains 8g of protein and 18% of the RDA for iron, all the while being extremely low in fat. Not to mention they are really cheap. A can of lentils costs around 70 cent and a 500g bag of dried lentils should cost no more than 2 euro.
  6. Ginger
    Ginger is a tummy miracle worker, it relieves nausea and reduces bloating. A Cup of ginger tea is my go-to remedy when ever my tummy isn’t feeling up to scratch, and it always does the trick. Ginger is also really high in vitamin C and Magnesium, a cup of hot water with grated ginger root and a lemon is an awesome immune booster when you feel a nasty cold coming on. Also I absolutely love the taste of ginger so I’m always throwing it into my smoothies, stirfries and curries. It gives everything an extra kick, especially smoothies. Yum! 
  7. Lemon 
    Speaking of vitamin C, it is now time to appreciate the cold curer, sore throat rescuer and immune booster gift from the gods that is the lemon. Lemons are loaded with vitamin C, with just one lemon providing more than the RDA of vitamin C. If you ever feel a cold coming on, a glass of warm water with lemon and the peel (there is vitamin C in there too, gotta fish it out) should ward it off. I know it always  does for me! 
  8. Avocado 
    Avocados are one of my favorite foods on this planet, they are also one of the healthiest. Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids which are essential for a healthy heart and brain. A full avocado contains 40% of your daily vitamin K requirement, 24% of vitamin C, 14% of vitamin E and they are also high in B vitamins: folate, pantothenic acid and B6. All the nutritional benefits aside, avocados and especially when they are transformed into guacamole, are beyond delicious.  
  9.  Raw Cacao Powder 
    Cacao Powder makes an excellent chocolate sauce when mixed with water and can also add a yummy chocolate flavour to smoothies and in baking; it’s used in many vegan dessert recipes, boosting health and taste all at once! Aside from the taste factor it contains 20 times the antioxidant power of blueberries. It is also high in iron, magnesium and fibre. What more could you ask for? 
  10. Valerian
    Ok so I don’t know If I can really call this last one a food but it’s awesome and you drink it so I’m going to throw it in here. Valerian is basically a herbal sedative (mild but helpful). For anyone who finds it hard to sleep supplementing with Valerian or having a cup of Valerian tea before bed could really help. It has certainly helped me and a lot of other people I know. It’s also known to be beneficial to those who suffer from anxiety due to its calming effects. If that’s not super, I don’t know what is. 

That’s the end of my list, I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please let me know some of your favourite vegan super foods in the comments, I would love to hear them 🙂 

Peace & love, 

Karen xxx



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