Why I’m vegan for life

For my first post I thought I would make a list of the reasons why I’m vegan. Here I go: 

1. It just feels right:It helps me feel more at peace with myself and the universe around me.
2. For the animals: I cannot bring myself to murder/bring immeasurable pain to the other sentient creatures with which we share this planet.
3. For the Earth: Animal agriculture  is destroying our planet. I cannot be a part of this.
4. For humanity: I truly believe veganism can heal humanity from the inside out. Veganism helps me live a more compassionate life, not just when it comes to animal cruelty. This compassion extends its way into all other aspects of my life.
5. For my health: eating a wholefood plant based diet really does make me feel 100% healthier. Trust me, you will notice a difference.
6. It excites me: eating such a colorful, abundant and healthy diet genuinely excites me. My food is full of life and so it gives me life. It also really excites me to see veganism grow. More and more people are becoming vegan every day and its seriously noticeable; even in a small city like Cork where I live. The city’s first 100% vegan restaurant opened last week and its so exciting.
7. Its easier than you would think: there are vegan options everywhere nowadays. Even the big supermarkets here in Ireland have way more vegan options than they did 4 years ago when I first started my cruelty free journey. They have everything from vegan cheese to vegan mayonnaise to vegan sausage rolls and bacon strips (if you’re into that). It’s crazy how fast the movement is growing in such a small country. Eating out while vegan in Ireland especially in the cities is really easy as well. In Cork  alone there is so many options. Its simply not an issue. In smaller towns and the countryside, it is more difficult of course. But hopefully that will change soon.
8. Its cheap. The idea that being vegan is expensive is a myth. Trust me, I’m a student who is terrible at money management and I manage it no problem. Of course some of the vegan ‘alternatives’ like fake meats and cheeses are expensive. But if you eat a diet based on vegetables, whole grains, beans and pulses, veganism is far from expensive. In fact, you are likely to save money.

That’s all for now. I will be making more blog posts expanding on each of these points in the future and I’m super excited about it.

Peace & Love,

Karen xxx

P.S  below are some pictures of food I’ve cooked myself, food I’ve eaten while out in Ireland and abroad and some tasty vegan deserts.

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